Muhammad the movie lybia
Muhammad the movie lybia

The violent riot in Libya resulted in the. Speaking by phone from an undisclosed location, the 56-year-old writer and director remained defiant, saying Islam was a cancer and that he intended his film to be a provocative political statement condemning the religion. This morning, headlines around the world declared that an anti-Islam video on YouTube had incited angry mobs at U.S. The consulate in Benghazi came under rocket attack. The film is being released in numerous languages (including English, French, German, Swedish, and Spanish). A number of European activists have put together an animated film about Muhammad's relationship with Aisha. Kisah dalam film ini menceritakan masa awal dakwah Muhammad SAW, yakni dengan mencatat kehidupan dan sosok Muhammad melalui perspektif pamannya Hamzah ibn Abdul-Muttalib dan anak angkat Zayd ibn Harithah. This would be a bit too graphic to post as a video, but as news, it needs to be addressed. Violent protests erupted in Libya and Egypt over a film made by an Israeli living in California about the Prophet Muhammad seen as blasphemous by Muslims. Dibuat pada 1976 dan disutradarai serta diproduksi oleh Moustapha Akkad.

muhammad the movie lybia

"These four Americans stood up for freedom and human dignity," he said. With Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at his side in the White House Rose Garden, Obama paid tribute to US Ambassador Chris Stevens and the others killed in "this terrible act". He has ordered tighter security at diplomatic posts across the world and vowed the US will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice those who carried out the attack, which came on the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Google has said that the company will not pull-down a mocking video of Islamic Prophet Muhammad, but the video will be blocked. protests in Egypt and Libya that led to the death of the U.S.

muhammad the movie lybia

Hours later, armed men in eastern Libya also. Terry Jones, the Florida Koran-burner, is helping to promote a movie vilifying Egypts Muslims, and the Egyptian media. LOS ANGELES: US President Barack Obama has condemned "in the strongest terms" the attack on the US consulate in Libya that left the ambassador and three other American embassy staff dead. What We Know About Sam Bacile, The Man Behind The Muhammad Movie. replacing it with a black Islamist flag to protest a U.S.-produced film attacking the Prophet Muhammad. The Movie So Offensive That Egyptians Just Stormed the U.S.

Muhammad the movie lybia